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Supporting the charity Magpas

Amongst the numerous local charities and organisations that we support, Magpas – the local Air Ambulance service – is amongst our favourites.

We have supported this incredible charity for over four years, and again all branches and departments across Thomas Morris Sales & Lettings have been involved. In previous years, we have celebrated ‘Orange Day’ to support Magpas – by inviting all of our staff to wear orange, sell orange cakes, and hold raffles etc. We have also held sponsored bike ride from office to office, organised a netball tournament, carried out a 24/7 car pull, and many other fundraising activities. In January of this year, Magpas confirmed that Thomas Morris Sales & Lettings raised over £15,000 for them, and by the end of the year that figure will exceed £20,000!

This is what Antonia Brickell, Head of Communications at Magpas says…

The Thomas Morris staff have been and continue to be an inspirational team of fundraisers for Magpas Air Ambulance. We have been working together for almost 5 years now…always setting themselves innovative challenges and taking their fundraising feats to truly impressive heights! On the list of completed Thomas Morris shaped events so far are; a sponsored car push (pushing one of our rapid response emergency vehicles for 24 miles within 7 hours), an allday netball tournament (with numerous netball matches being played simultaneously), long distance biking, triathlons and the Managing Director graciously agreed to be filmed whilst having a foam pie put in his face…you name it, Thomas Morris have done it! Magpas Air Ambulance are proud to be supported by Thomas Morris. We are a charity that relies on public donations to continue saving lives 24/7 in the East of England and beyond.

In addition to another fantastic Orange Day experience, in 2018 we have also arranged the sale of pin badges in support of Air Ambulance Week, and supported Magpas at various functions. As part of that support, we are also participating in the Magpas campaign to raise approximately £1,500,000 for a new helicopter! Magpas receive no government or lottery funding and so every single penny counts. In June of this year, whilst attending a Magpas function to support the new campaign, we pledged another £3,000!