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Our staff also do it for fun!

At the core of what we do for our own community and others, is a desire to help… but also have fun!

A great example of this was the ‘Mud Challenge’ that four of our staff completed on Sunday 20th May 2018. The challenge included a 7km run through mud, whilst tackling over 90 obstacles, including monkey bars, zip-lines, and the very scary sounding ‘deathslide!’ Their efforts were publicised in advance through social media and a custom-designed video. The event itself was filmed and shared via Facebook, attracting hundreds of viewers keen to see ‘our heroes’ get covered in mud! In addition to raising the profile of a number of charities, including Children in Need, Help for Heroes, Magic Moments and Cancer Research UK, the team also raised another £905 after and above all expenses. Their fun approach made all the difference!

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